Pune MLA Hemant Rasane has warned people about the danger of protests that turn violent. This warning comes after a protest by the Nationalist Congress Party caused a big problem in Pune. The protest stopped metro services for about two hours, which affected many people trying to get to work or school. Some protesters even acted violently towards police officers.

Because of this incident, city leaders are thinking about making new rules for protests. They want to keep everyone safe while still allowing people to express their opinions. It's important for people to protest peacefully without causing trouble or hurting others.

One serious issue during the protest was that some protesters tried to harm the police. For example, they allegedly tried to pour petrol on a Deputy Commissioner of Police. This behavior has upset many community leaders and citizens, who believe that protests should be done peacefully.

Rasane is calling for a government investigation to look into what caused the protest to become violent. The investigation will help understand what happened and who's responsible for making things worse.

The protest also had a big effect on the city's economy. Many people were late to work because the metro wasn't running. This caused a lot of problems for families and businesses in Pune.

Now, city officials are thinking about setting up special areas for protests and working with police before protests happen. They want to make sure that while people can protest, they don't disturb others or cause chaos.


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